The Truth of Life

It started like all those thoughts that made their way into the mind's of countless people travelling countryside on a train.
 The emptiness that surrounds you through those moments when you gaze at absolutely nothing outside the window tells you many a secrets of life.

Like everyone else in today's fast paced and momentarily changing world we have scarcity of one most important resource 'Time'.
Well, I know many of us do not even consider it as one but believe me it is the most precious one.

The thing with life and time is, it never stops, you just keep living and spending time untill you are dead.
So what do you think happens after we are dead?
Do we proceed to heaven or hell? Or we are just dead?
The answer to these questions aren't much convincing but the funny part is, whatever happens after that isn't much of concern, because when you leave the world you are going to miss a whole bunch of things. Things that define the meaning of life, like -
You cannot feel that responsibility and nervousness when you first represented a bunch of people on podium.
You cannot be that luckiest bastard that heard a 'yes' from the high school crush.
You cannot be that proud of yourself when you passed that test without knowing the name of subject and list goes on.

The idea here is not to make you fear death because it is absolute truth and something inevitable.
I just want you  to question yourself ' when was the last time i sat back and remembered something intriguing from the past?'
Ask yourself ' Did i stayed happy long enough for the kind of success i achieved?'
Just be honest to yourself and let your subconscious mind reply.
Not many of us are going to hear positive answers from themselves but this is perfectly normal.

The level of busy-meter  has crossed all the limits today. We don't have enough time to relax and remember things and that is the saddest part of today's life.

Today we may have smartphones filled with innumerable number of pictures but what's missing is the time to look back at those.
We may have had saved those 4am chats forever but do we reread those ever?

The thing which categorises us as living is the sense to feel things and to feel them you need to give yourself some time.

We all say 'Life is better when it's busy' ,
 But It is best when we give ourselves some time to feel ' Everything in Nothing' ! 

So, pack your backpacks, find about that awesome place you always wanted to go, set yourself alone and just feel the emptiness inside your soul.
#Live_Life #No_regrets #Get_lost #Be_crazy

Money is not going to bring love and peace, so build something with that money.
Leave behind a legacy that can assure your contribution in the betterment of human lives.

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