By suz

For every opportunity we get in life and those which we grabbed, there was always a point where everything has to start. The point where we have to decide whether to go for it or leave it, the point of no return. The ones which defined the aura of the moment, the result of the labour. And that’s the most difficult stage of anything we do. From professional negotiations to the First talk with our crush, it demands great courage and passion for the goal.


                   For every new task we take up in our hands, it requires planning and plotting of the whole concept on how to finish the task in best possible way. The whole emphasis is on the end. This is the part of human nature, our brain works in such a manner that we give maximum importance to finishing the job. It is also well portrayed in the famous  saying "If the end is good, everything is good".
                       But as in every proverb there is a catch in this one also. “ For a good end, you need a good start ”. 
Let’s take a most common example, Cricket our beloved game has so many famous and talented middle order batsmen. So many times we have seen the course of match being changed in the ending overs. Although the foundation to success always lies on the opening batsman. The kind of opening stand they put always has an impact on the team’s score. The openers set the tone for the innings. Their good show motivates the team and puts a spark within the other batsmen to come. The opponent bowlers become wary and their mindset is severely affected. There priority changes from taking wickets to saving runs. The pressure within the next batsmen’s head comes down dramatically and if everything goes all right, the team wins quite easily.
                         Above example only describes the context in terms of a game. But Life is no Game. The Fate is not decided here by tossing a coin, neither it should be nor it could be. It is too big a decision for probabilities to play their part. These vital decisions are ours to make as every potter has his own way of  moulding the clay and that makes the pot unique. 
The thing is, Every person is different and that uniqueness makes them special. I am not here to tell you that these points you should remember before starting any task. I am here to make you believe in your own capabilities. That Icebreaking  moment exists only for few seconds. So better be prepared for it rather than making plans just then.
For melting the Ice at the right moment, there are few things we should figure out-
     a.    Stake
     b.    Stash
     c.     Susceptibility
    Sounds like some 3S principle.
                            As a kid I once studied the 3R principle to minimise  waste. I may have forgotten other things from that EVS book but I still remember these 3Rs- Recycle, Reuse and Reduce. That made me kind of fan of these abbreviations as they are easy to remember and apply.

Stake is the thing we are putting at risk in the negotiation. The thing which we may lose if everything doesn't go all right. Every negotiation has this part as there are always two sides of a coin, here they are profit and loss. The big question that always pops up is, if the task got that much profit for the risk to be taken? That could be very difficult to decide as things are often tied to thin ropes and those ropes may not be able to carry great loads.

Stash is the thing which we have at our disposal. The thing which belongs to us i.e. It is ours. It is an item of great importance or use or service. It is equivalent to an inventory where we put our valuable things and as per the need use some part or all of it as Stake. Knowing what we have at our disposal, gives us an overview of what we can invest in upcoming deals. The problem with beginners is that the inventory is either too small for most of them or by chance if it is big enough for some, they cannot put all of it on stake. That’s the limitation of being a Rookie.You are new to the game and experience does plays deeper roles in bigger picture.

Susceptibility is the thing that lies within us. The thing which pushes us towards greater heights. It is one’s individual calibre that makes him take the risk and think beyond his limitation. One’s susceptibility is not an external factor that can be sharpened by practical method, it is something that is the part of his behaviour, his thinking. As proper mindset and X-factor is must for succeeding in this competing world. Always remember "what makes you different, makes you stand out of crowd"
                                      The most difficult part is to break the solid state which initially prevails and The goal is to let the fluid flow.

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